Effective One on Ones with your Manager

Effective One on Ones with your Manager

One-on-one meetings with your manager are invaluable for career growth and effective communication. These sessions are not just for receiving feedback but also for discussing your progress, setting goals, and addressing any concerns. Here’s how to make the most of these meetings:

Preparing for the Meeting
Key Questions to Ask
During the Meeting
Post-Meeting Actions

Benefits of Effective One-on-Ones

Sample Questions to Foster Productive Dialogue

Performance and Goals

“How do you think I’m progressing towards my goals?”

“What should be my top priority this month?”

Team and Projects

“How can we improve our team’s workflow?”

“Are there any upcoming projects I should be aware of?”

Personal Development

“What training or courses would you recommend for my development?”

“Can we discuss potential career paths within the company?”

Feedback and Support

“What’s one thing I could improve on?”

“Is there anything you need from me to support our team’s goals?”

Company Insight

“What are the biggest challenges facing our department?”

“How can I contribute more effectively to the company’s objectives?”